SDR Voice Keyer for Mac version 2.22 released.

SDR voice keyer version 2.22 for MacOS is now available for download. The SDR Voice Keyer can run on the Mac with dogparkSDR or FlexRadio SmartSDR running in a virtual PC or even on another Mac or Microsoft Windows PC on the same network. You do not need xDax or xCat as SDR Voice Keyer handles all audio and control functions on its own.


  • Mac OS 10.12 or higher (Mac 10.14 Mojave Compatible)
  • SmartSDR 2.xx
  • dogParkSDR 1.xx

Audio File Requirements

  • Audio files may be MP3, AIFF, WAV and AAC. Using a WAV file will give you the best quality
  • The file should be recorded mono at a 24Khz sample rate but others that are a multiple of 24khz such as 48Khz and 96Khz will be resampled as necessary
  • — Set as 32 bit Float if there is a choice