KLog version 1.8.7 has been released

KLog is a multiplatform free hamradio logger, the only one able to run in Linux, Windows and macOS! KLog provides QSO management, useful QSL management DX-Cluster client, DXCC management, ClubLog integration, WSJT-X, DX-Marathon support and much more! KLog is available in several languages: Catalan, Croatian, Danish, English, Finish, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

Hamlib related bugfixes and others Jan 2022 – 1.8.7

  • Bugfix: Removed the hamlib test from the KLog start that was causing big delays.
  • Bugfix: Serial speed was not saved to config file.
  • Bugfix: eQSL Uploads problem solved
  • Bugfix: Connection to the radios were not being done properly 
  • Bugfix: SplitCheckBox was checked when coming from Setup
  • Bugfix: Entering a QRZ cleared the DX Gridsquare if it was previously entered
  • Bugfix: Imported QSOs add the default electronic QSL send info if configured.
  • Bugfix: DXCC widget shows last Entity status after modifying a QSO
  • Bugfix: Hamlib is now stopped while editing a QSO
  • Bugfix: Hamlib on serial devices works ok.
  • Bugfix: RST is not changed on mode change when editing
  • New feature: Added a Manual Mode checkbox to disable quickly hamlib & wsjtx integration.
  • New feature: Added “Save” and “Cancel” button when editing a recorded QSO.
  • Update: Developers mailing list address changed to [email protected]

You can download the latest version of KLog for free from:


Don’t forget to join the Telegram groups or the Mailing list to receive the latest information!

You can find more information on the KLog website at: http://www.klog.xyz