SDRangel v7.12.0 released

SDRAngel is a multi platform general purpose software defined radio program that supports many SDR hardware.

SDRangel uses include:

  • ADS-B Decoder: Decodes aircraft ADS-B data and plots aircraft positions on a map
  • NOAA APT Decoder: Decodes NOAA weather satellite images (in black and white only)
  • DVB-S: Decodes and plays Digital TV DVB-S and DVB-S2 video
  • AIS: Decodes marine AIS data and plots vessel positions on a map
  • VOR: Decodes VOR aircraft navigational beacons, and plots bearing lines on a map, allowing you to determine your receivers position.
  • DAB+: Decodes and plays DAB digital audio signals
  • Radio Astronomy Hydrogen Line: With an appropriate radio telescope connected to the SDR, integrates and displays the Hydrogen Line FFT with various settings, and a map of the galaxy showing where your dish is pointing. Can also control a dish rotator.
  • Radio Astronomy Solar Observations: Similar to the Hydrogen line app, allows you to make solar measurements.
  • Broadcast FM: Decoding and playback. Includes RDS decoding.
  • Noise Figure Measurements: Together with a noise source you can measure the noise figure of a SDR.
  • Airband Voice: Receive multiple Airband channels simultaneously
  • Graves Radar Tracker: For Europeans, track a satellite and watch for reflections in the spectrum from the French Graves space radar. 
  • Radio Clocks: Receive and decode accurate time from radio clocks such as MSF, DCF77, TDF and WWVB.
  • APRS: Decode APRS data, and plot APRS locations and moving APRS enabled vehicles on a map with speed plot.
  • Pagers: Decode POCSAG pagers
  • APRS/AX.25 Satellite: Decode APRS messages from the ISS and NO-84 satellites, via the built in decoder and satellite tracker.
  • Channel Analyzer: Analyze signals in the frequency and time domains
  • QSO Digital and Analog Voice: Decode digital and analog voice. Digital voice handled by the built in DSD demodulator, and includes DMR, dPMR and D-Star.
  • Beacons: Monitor propagation via amateur radio beacons, and plot them on a map.

The latest release, v7.12.0 includes the following changes and fixes:

New ILS demodulator plugin

A new demodulator in the air domain thanks to @srcejon More details can be found here If you can or prefer read French there is a pretty good description of the ILS system here

Other changes and fixes

  • Heatmap: added 10 MS/s and fixed bandwidth limit. PR #1638
  • Correct settings keys for Satellite Tracker settings dialog. Fixes #1642. PR #1643
  • Add UTC data time in radiometerand more. Fix #1640. PR #1644
  • DATV demod: processing optimizations should make it more usable
  • Add missing setting ket in Rotator Controller. Fix #1642. PR #1645
  • Fix missing GUI connections in Radio Astronomy plugin. Scan for features on startup. PR #1646
  • Fix settings keys in Star Tracker (Rename to settings to match). PR #1646

More information, documentation and support can be found on the SDRangel website at

You can download the latest version of SDRangel from github